Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Most Useful Skills

1. spelling things.
2. dodging the issue.
3. making turkey lemon cutlets.
4. keeping the peace.
5. eating ice cream.
6. writing lists. and paragraphs.
7. cleaning up messes.
8. making messes.
9. making oatmeal.
10. shoveling snow.
11. packing boxes.
12. unpacking boxes.
13. packing away dreams.
14. saving for a rainy day.
15. stirring chocolate milk.
16. stirring up trouble.
17. applying band-aids.
18. running slowly.
19. burning toast.
20. remaining at rest.


tomzgrrl said...

21. Persisting.
22. Challenging someone when appropriate.
23. Inventing adverbs.
24. Being a friend.
25. Having eyes that twinkle.
26. Making mischief.
. . .

Kathryne said...

Oh thank you tomzgrrl! You crack me up. I should have STARTED with #23 and I am thankful for #24!!

And #26. Challenging someone when IN-APPROPRIATE!