Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rambling Woman

What if there is nothing to say? Then what do you write? Sleep still covers my eyelids and the air drips with humidity. My back hurts from yesterday’s sunburn and my foot is really itchy. Where is my elixir of thought now? I am fighting the good fight. Set the alarm to wake up early. Poured the coffee. I have found my charged laptop and even avoided those favorite of social sites for the morning. Snuggled in my chocolate leather chair, coffee as close as can be without intravenously being injected. Still I’ve got nothing.

My vacation too long, the broken rhythm of fledgling thoughts mocks me. Like baby birds, they break through shells, but do not fly. I hold them close, feed them worms; still they are grounded. And the what-ifs jump in at just the wrong moment. What if this is dumb? What if somebody laughs? What if no one in the entire free world cares about what I say? But I care, so I continue to pound the keys. Thoughts fly through my brain but don’t stay long enough to matter.

Do I want to live in a world without daily US mail? I always have marveled at the way the pictures of my kids can fly to California in two days and for forty-three cents. How sad it would be not to visit my postbox each day about ten a.m. Oh I know it is mostly filled with bills, but the optimist in me always holds out for a postcard or an invitation.

Do I want to live in a world with Sarah Palin as President? Tired of her antics and Shatner’s poem done in her dishonor and the fact that my Mom always says “Quitters never win.” So where does that leave me? Nostradamus says the world will end in 2012 anyway, so I guess that is your answer.

Do I think the health care crisis can be solved without a mass exodus to Sweden? So sad that people struggle when quality doctors and hospitals should be a right. All the band-aids in the world won’t fix this blood letting.

Now the clock is ticking and the beasts are waking. The actual day starts with demands of breakfast and juice. This carved away time ends without much to show for it. But it’s the exercise that counts. Not for my fingers, for my mind. What do I think? Where am I situated in this world? What is my next step?

Like the why, why, why of my daily world, this is a universe in which the questions are more important than the answers.

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