Sunday, December 4, 2011

This is Just to Say

Here is what happens when you are the very sensitive child of two English teachers and you are very tired and a little bit smarmy and you move your very pink towel aside to use your Dad's towel that is hanging on the rack and your Dad has a few words to say about it and then you call upon the power of your pen. Here is the note Maura wrote and propped up on the toilet. All words have been copied as is.

Dear Dad,

Sorry about last night. I couldnen't help using it because it was so warm and comfey. Well, I can't worry about that now. Theres a big busy day ahead. Have a nice day at work!! Sorry I didn't wright this in cursive, that would have been better, I was in a hurry for bed. byby! ps. I'm talking about the towel in case you forgot it didn't make your day easier did it?

Burger (Maura's very private nickname from her Dad)

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