Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving in Disguise

He opens the fridge a hundred times a day. But I am thankful that his arms and legs work as they should, and that there is food within which he can choose.
He whines for snacks each hour on the hour. But I am thankful that he has a voice and I have a snack with which to quell it.

She flares her independence and rolls her eyes. But I am grateful that she is confident and her green eyes can see clearly.
She drives me nuts with her constant show tunes. But I am thankful for that voice of an angel and her desire to use it.
She wants to take her shoes off outside on the coldest of days. But I am grateful that she has shoes at all and the ability to play.

He refuses to nap and give me my afternoon break. But I am thankful his spirit is strong and he had a warm bed in which to sleep.
He runs circles around the house at breakneck speed. But I am thankful that he can.

All the blessings in my life that I forget, I will try to remember today.
All the behaviors that make me crazy are simply blessings in disguise.
And all the things my children demand, I am able to provide.

So Lord, today let me be thankful for the whining and the stomping and the strong-willed children in my grasp.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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